Showing posts with label Icelandic Yule. Show all posts

Ketkrókur - Icelandic Yule Lads (December 23rd)

Another Yule Lad, another story of gluttony. Oh boy, aren’t these dudes a little repetitive? This time is Ketkrókur’s (Meat Hook) turn. He c...

Þvörusleikir - Icelandic Yule Lads (December 15th)

Þvörusleikir, it loosely means "Spoon Licker," but it really means "Pot Scraper Licker." Modern depictions of this Yule ...

Giljagaur - Icelandic Yule Lads (December 13th)

Giljagaur arrives on Dec 13. His name means "Gully Oaf." He is usually portrayed with gray hair and wearing very plain colored clo...

Christmas in Iceland

Iceland is a special place with an array of holiday traditions that are as unique as the island its self. In Iceland, the Christmas festivit...