Showing posts with label Akureyri. Show all posts
Iceland Cruise Guide. Enjoy your Cruise to Iceland!

Iceland Cruise Guide. Enjoy your Cruise to Iceland!

Icelanders have always known that their country is beautiful, special and unique, and this fact is becoming more and more known throughout t...
Free activities in Akureyri

Free activities in Akureyri

We’ve already compiled a small list of free leisure activities in the Icelandic capital, Reykjavík and so here's the rest of the series...
Popular waterfalls in the north of Iceland

Popular waterfalls in the north of Iceland

Goðafoss (the waterfall of the Gods), 12 meters high and 30 meters wide, is located on the number 1 route between Akureyri and Myvatn , o...
Lofthellir in North Iceland: Natural Ice Sculptures in a 3,500 year old lava cave

Lofthellir in North Iceland: Natural Ice Sculptures in a 3,500 year old lava cave

In the far north of Iceland lies a weird but beautiful world of ice and darkness. Enter Cave Lofthellir . Here, the underground boasts the g...
Akureyri Travel Guide, The Capital of North Iceland

Akureyri Travel Guide, The Capital of North Iceland

For some time now we have wanted to write about the biggest town in Iceland, outside the Reykjavík peninsula. Akureyri is one of the places...